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Salesforce Certi昀椀cations & Accredited Professional Credentials — You need both! Partners need both Salesforce certi昀椀cations and Accredited Professional credentials to demonstrate expertise to customers. Accredited Professional credentials, along with Salesforce certi昀椀cations help di昀昀erentiate your 昀椀rm based on customer-validated industry expertise, Salesforce product knowledge, and customer success. Salesforce Accredited Certi昀椀cations Professional Credential Available to anyone looking to Available to partner consultants validate expertise in a speci昀椀c and Salesforce employees Salesforce role with a focus on building skills to Covers nearly half of products become implementation ready plus introductory trails/badges Covers advanced core cloud training and deeper product and industry expertise Partner Learner Salesforce 昀椀eld service career path example: Admin Cert Service Cloud Cert Salesforce Field Service Cert Advanced SFS AP Routing Optimization AP

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