DELIVER Conduct Usability Testing Usability Testing is a user-validated and quantified solution to gain real insights into the state of your product's user experience. Testing helps to identify any usability issues and determine the user's satisfaction with the product prototype. Defined Outcomes Purpose ❏ Identification of User Pain Points: Discover specific areas of the Quantified insights into your product's user experience help improve interface or workflow that confuse or frustrate users. key performance indicators supporting business goals, whether ❏ Validation of Design Decisions: Confirm that design choices align reducing costs, increasing revenue, or enhancing user satisfaction. with user expectations and enhance usability. ❏ Improved User Satisfaction: Enhance the overall user experience by Usability studies serve dual purposes. While they identify effective addressing usability issues and improving ease of use. ❏ Reduced Support Costs: Decrease the need for user support and design elements to meet user needs, they also foster consensus and assistance by resolving usability issues proactively. persuade stakeholders. Even when confident in your direction, ❏ Increased Conversion Rates: Optimize the user interface to usability testing validates decisions, involves teams, and garners streamline processes and potentially boost conversion rates. support efficiently, potentially saving time over prolonged debates. ❏ Enhanced Stakeholder Confidence: Provide tangible evidence and Additionally, leverage the UX Measurement Framework to insights to stakeholders, validating the effectiveness of design Salesforce Adoption Dashboards decisions and fostering support for UX improvements. substantiate findings and drive urgency in presenting results to stakeholders. Usability Testing Checklist Usability Test Plan Sample Best Practice Usability Task Template Tools & Templates

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