2 DEFINE Customer Enablement Strategy The customer enablement strategy is the approach to providing customer employees with the necessary skills and training to support the newly implemented project. How To Perform Create Training Strategy To create a successful training strategy, first perform training needs analysis, include business objectives, learning schedules, across the business teams in scope of the project (sales/service/marketing). Create Training Plan Create training plan in line with strategy to include business teams/individuals, set up in-person and virtual sessions, run sessions including train the trainer as required. Communicate Regularly Adopting new systems and processes can be daunting for users, especially when they are used to their existing processes. Make sure they understand the changes that are coming and how those changes will impact their daily tasks. Highlight the benefits of Salesforce to motivate users, such as increased efficiency and convenience, to encourage adoption of the new system. Answer "what's in it for me?" Make sure to sell the benefits of Salesforce to the users. Show off the efficiencies that Salesforce can bring to their jobs. Whether that's automatic reminders to follow up with customers, easy workflows for inputting customer information into Sales Cloud. Be transparent about how success will be measured This ensures that users aren't blindsided by how management reports on success metrics. Remember, if it isn't in Salesforce, the customer's executives won't be able to properly measure success and users may not get credit for the hard work that they do.

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