1 Say Hello to Commerce Cloud Let9s Get Started! What is Commerce Cloud? Salesforce.com Partner Pocket Guide Commerce Cloud gives Customers choice and üexibility Sales & GTM Positioning, when it comes to the storefront and architecture, so you Product Capabilities & ' Who uses Commerce can pick the right tool for every job. Implementation Resources. Cloud? ' How does it work? The Partner Pocket Guide(s) are the one-stop-shop for ' Can I see a demo? Get Started with our All-In all Sales and Go-to-Market (GTM) content, as well as One Partner Pocket Guide. tools to help successfully implement all of the All the latest information on This guide will contain links Commerce Cloud products - Salesforce Commerce (B2B Salesforce.com to all Commerce Cloud / D2C), Order Management, and B2C Enterprise Partner Guides. (Composable Storefront / B2C Commerce). Access to the content on Partner Community, Partner Learning Camp (PLC) and Trailhead is available to all registered partners and Salesforce employees. Access instructions

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