4 Implementation Readiness Skill up and become certiûed Slack consultants Overview Certiûcation Types Preparation Slack provides certiûcation ï Slack Certiûed By getting certiûed, you9ll be able to show prep courses and skills Administrator the world that you have knowledge of Slack9s training to support Slack ï Slack Certiûed capability development: features and how to use them to build a Consultant simpler, more pleasant and more productive ï Slack Certiûed Salesforce Certiûed Slack experience for your team. Earn your Developer Admin credential, share your achievement, and join Salesforce Certiûed Slack our community of experts in the Slack All the latest information: Consultant Certiûed spotlight directory. Salesforce Certiûed Slack Salesforce Trailhead Developer Access to the content on Partner Community, Partner Learning Camp (PLC) and Trailhead is available to all registered partners and Salesforce employees. Access instructions

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