Social Media Kit This section is designed to empower you with social media strategies to create engaging campaigns that amplify the impact of Dreamforce beyond the event itself. Examples: 1. Session Highlights Showcase Craft a series of captivating posts highlighting the most exciting sessions from Dreamforce. Select session recordings and key takeaways, then share visually appealing graphics with key insights and quotes. These posts can be shared on LinkedIn, X, and Facebook to engage your audience and generate interest in the valuable content presented at Dreamforce. 2. Executive Insights Series Encourage your company executives to share their personal highlights and key takeaways from Dreamforce on their LinkedIn or X pro昀椀les. This initiative allows your company to showcase thought leadership while o昀昀ering valuable insights to your audience. 3. Dreamforce Recap Webinar Promotion Create engaging promotional posts and graphics to build excitement for your Dreamforce recap webinar. Craft captivating posts for platforms like LinkedIn and X, announcing the webinar's date, time, and registration link. Uses eye-catching visuals and copy that highlight the key topics covered in the webinar. This campaign aims to drive registrations and foster deeper engagement with your audience after Dreamforce. 63

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