2 DEFINE Define Success Metrics Define and agree with the customer and project team what a successful conclusion to this project will look like. Define the metrics that will allow us to measure the projects success against those objectives. How To Perform The Project Manager should drive discussion and definition of success criteria and metrics, assisted by the Solution Architect (SA). Success criteria and success metrics should be included in the Project Management Plan. ● During the planning period, conduct discussions regarding project success, expected outcomes, and desired behaviors. ● Develop a scorecard of performance metrics that need to be managed, tracked, and socialized with program leadership to link to project benefits realization and allow for real-time program adjustments to address risk. ● Include metrics that measure: ○ Business Performance - Sales/Service/Marketing. ○ Adoption / user engagement and system usage: speed of adoption, ultimate utilization, and proficiency. ○ Realization of expected business benefits. ● Define the measurement approach for success metrics. Determine how the data will be captured and reported.

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